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Nepenthes Viking = N. mirabilis var. globosa | 10 - 15 cm

Nepenthes Viking = N. mirabilis var. globosa | 6 - 9 cm
Nepenthes Viking = N. mirabilis var. globosa | 6 - 9 cm
19.99 € (21.75 $)
catalogue number: be3928m
price:19.99 € (21.75 $)
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Nepenthes mirabilis is a widespread and abundant species in it’s commonest form. However, some fascinating variations exist, such as the echinostoma form found only in Brunei and small parts of Sarawak, which has an exceptional peristome with upraised ribs. The other most notable variation is the globosa form from Thailand, which is also commonly known in horticulture as Nepenthes ‘Viking’, due to it’s resemblance to the shape of the prow of a Viking ship. The correct scientific name is Nepenthes mirabilis var globosa.

This clone was carefully selected from many, to represent the most spectacular and colorful form of the species. The lower pitchers are deep orange and yellow and the intermediate and upper pitchers are a beautiful blend of red fading to yellow and are covered with a delicate network of red veins.

Cultivation Notes:As with all our lowland species, these plants have been weaned out of microprop using artificial lighting and high humidity. They are in a highly vigorous growth mode and as such, the leaves are not very hard because they are growing so extremely quickly, plus this species naturally has soft leaves anyway. Because they are so vigorous, they will establish easily and put on size quickly. The root systems are well developed, but when first received they will require high humidity at all times until settled in, even during the early handling stages.

Climate: Lowland

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