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Nepenthes glandulifera x peltata | 6 - 10 cm

Nepenthes glandulifera x peltata | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes glandulifera x peltata | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes glandulifera x peltata | 6 - 10 cm
Nepenthes glandulifera x peltata | 6 - 10 cm
19.99 € (21.75 $)
catalogue number: be4560
price:19.99 € (21.75 $)
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New for April 2023!

This cross shows some of the finest characteristics of both parent species. All the clones we have seen so far have exceptionally hirsute (hairy) pitchers, tendrils and leaf margins, which is a characteristic of the female parent. The attractive red coloration to the underside of the leaves is one of the outstanding characteristics of the male parent. The vast majority of the clones in this mix have bright red undersides to the leaves and in fact we discard any that don’t. Some of the photos here are chosen to show these characteristics.

History: First introduced in Oct 2022 through our auction with only a few batches offered, it was added to the shop in March 2022.

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics from specimen parent plants.

Source: A random selection from many different clones out of microprop.

Photo notes: Photos are of representative clones and may not be identical to plants shipped.

Climate: Highland

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