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Previous name Drosera paleacea ssp. paleacea.
2 - 3 plants potted in small piece of substrate.
2 - 4 plants potted in small piece of substrate.
With white - red veins. Fresh collected - Availabl...
2 - 4 plants potted in small piece of substrate.
5 gemmae. Shipping immediately
Fresh collected - Available immediately!!!
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Products Quantity: 8
CARNIVOROUS PLANTS - Waterwheel plant - Aldrovanda | Carnivorous Bromeliads - Brocchinia | Venus flytrap - Dionaea |
Pitcher plants - Cephalotus, Darlingtonia, Nepenthes, Sarracenia | Butterwort - Pinguicula | Sundew - Drosera | Bladderwort - Utricularia | Corkscrew plants - Genlisea | Sun pitcher - Heliamphora | Roridula | Byblis
AIR PLANTS - Tillandsia
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