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Nepenthes truncata | Pasian | 4 - 6 cm

Nepenthes truncata | Pasian| 8 - 12 cm
Nepenthes truncata | Pasian | 3 - 4 cm
69.99 € (76.17 $)
catalogue number: be3203
price:69.99 € (76.17 $)
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Returning for Aug 2022

This impressive species never fails to attract attention with its heart-shaped leaves and enormous pitchers. A reliable grower and adaptable to varying conditions, this is a highland form of the species and is much rarer in both cultivation and habitat than the more widespread lowland forms. It’s habitat on Mt. Pasian in Mindanao, Philippines, has been extensively logged and it’s highly likely that this form of the species is now extinct in the wild. These plants are derived from seeds collected with permission in 1998, just as the logging operations were commencing.

This item originally consisted of two different clones from the same grex of seeds as the single clone sometimes sold under BE-3707. As of May 2021, we have combined the single clone sometimes sold under BE-3707 under this item code, BE-3203, so this item has now become a random mixture of three different clones out of microprop instead of the original two. All three clones were originally selected from among an original 24 clones for their vigor, but at the time of writing (May 2021) any difference between their appearances is not known.

First introduced: 2006.

Origin: Horticultural – microprop derived from legally collected wild seeds.

Source: A random selection from three different clones out of microprop.

Climate: Highland

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