Nepenthes diatas | Gng Masurai | 3 - 6 cm

catalogue number:be3861
availability: available
price excl. VAT:29.99 € (32.64 $)

29.99 € (32.64 $)

Nepenthes diatas is a Sumatran species originating from Aceh province. It has a delicately toothed peristome and can be found in a variety of shades of orange or red, thru to maroon or purple. 

This clone is selected as being the most vigorous of the assorted clones formerly sold under BE-3056.

History: First introduced Nov 2020.

Origin: Horticultural

Source: From a single carefully selected clone out of microprop.

Photo notes: Plants shipped are of the same clone as shown in these photos.

Climate: Highland