Nepenthes spathulata x spectabilis | 6 - 10 cm

catalogue number:be3314
availability: available
price excl. VAT:19.99 € (21.84 $)

19.99 € (21.84 $)

Returning for July 2022

All the plants of this beautiful item that we have raised to maturity have extremely wide peristomes that generally remain flared and don’t roll back. Although some of these plants may appear quite similar to the cultivar Nepenthes ‘Helen’ as they have the same parent species, they do not include the specific clone chosen as Nepenthes ‘Helen’.

First introduced: Aug 2010

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics from specimen parent plants.

Source: A random selection from a huge number of different clones out of microprop.

Climate: Highland