Nepenthes spathulata | Sumatra | 6 - 10 cm

catalogue number:be3175
availability: available
price excl. VAT:34.99 € (38.23 $)

34.99 € (38.23 $)

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This robust species originates in South Sumatra. Pitchers are usually green with broad red or purple peristomes and can become impressively large on mature plants. This particular clone is a female and was selected in 2005 from amongst several to be as typical of the species as possible. We have used it extensively as a parent plant in the production of some of our most impressive hybrids.

History: First introduced in 2005.

Origin: Horticultural, bred by Borneo Exotics from specimen parent plants.

Source: From a single carefully selected clone out of microprop.

Climate: Highland